"A wiki is a collaborative website and authoring tool that allows users to easily add, remove and edit content".
Library applications
- pathfinder
- subject guide (e.g. St. Joseph County PL - Antiques & Collectibles) - How wonderfully complete. It is so clean & simple, yet comprehensive. I wonder how they divided the developmental work...one person...two people...all staff?) MEDIAWIKI
- book review (e.g. Princeton PL - Book Lovers Wiki) - Nicely formatted, like the link to write a review. Question - no posts since 2006? Why not? PBWIKI
- conference posts - Great interactive way to share posts, get people to learn about how to use a wiki. Thought - once the event is over...should there be some closure to the creation? My point is that often these things are created with great enthusiasm in anticipation for the event and then left floating...adrift... I'm guessing it's a "labor/time" thing and we all experience this type of crunch. Is follow-up just as vital as initiation?
- best practices - Policies and Procedures (e.g. Albany PL) - Great way to share/collaborate an typically internal document PBWIKI
- best practices - this Westwood Schools wiki beside being the home base for course information...also evolved into a "ning" called The Horizon Project to connect, communicate, collaborate Question...how did you design your project? around what theme? How did you find your social network participants? Another answered question to Who can join this space? If you're not a student of Mrs. Davis, please do not ask to join, although this space is publicly viewable it is only editable by the teacher and students at Westwood Schools.** Shouldn't this ease the concern many at our schools worry about posting to "the big world"? WIKISPACES
- This quote is taken from the header to Mr. Miller's "English 10 classroom blog
"We read, we think, we discuss... we post.
- So COOL! Questions...can your students access this from school? What was it that helped you to create this...a personal interest in emerging technology, a graduate course, etc... Do you mind having your course info posted for the world to see? Any challenges with either you or your students posting? It seems to me as if you have taken theory and put it into practice. Any "learned the hard way tips" to share? How much time to develop/maintain? I would love to sit down and have a conversation with you. I may just email... WIKISPACES
Final thoughts...great links showing the varied uses of wikis...I like some layouts better than others. I'll have to go back and check if it's the hosting site or simply the use of the tools. It still jumps out at me when something doesn't show an update in a two year span. I have a few blogs floating out there that I developed for various graduate courses that are just languishing too. Who houses these orphans? Should I clean them up? Can I? Another thing to check into.
FOLLOW-UP - blogs can be deleted under settings...and I think I like media wiki best, then wikispaces and finally pbwiki...