Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 5: Play Week #12 Roll your own search tool with Rollyo

The final portion of week 5 deals with a online tool called Rollyo. Rollyo lets you "create your own personal search engines" by "picking the sites you want to search. There are options to search "searchrolls" developed by others interested in whatever topic you select. I don't lnow that I have my arms wrapped around this yet, but my instinct tells me as time goes on, this may be a valuable tool in a library setting.

So often our searches revolve around either topics of curricular importance or of personal interest to our students. I could see searchrolls developed around the content that naturally happens in our libraries.

My first searchroll creation is centered around the PA Young Reader's Choice YA authors. I'm not sure how I will use this yet...but at least the framework is in place. I'll add the link tomorrow.

FOLLOW-UP - I've been back into Rollyo and so far have not found the path to add the link to my blog. The directions say "Add your searchroll to your blog using the "Create a Searchbox" tool.Select...Reference. Search The Web". I get so far, but don't know what code to copy or how to migrate what I need here. Anyone else having the same trouble?

1 comment:

Off the Shelf Librarian said...

When you click on the Search roll it takes you to a page that you fill in everything. Then you get to the 3rd box highlight and copy the HTML code. Go back to you blog to LAYOUT. On Layout look to the right side go to ADD A GADGET click on it. Search for Configure HTML/JavaScript. When you get it paste the HTML from Rollyo. then save. It will appear on you blog. Hope it helps... Carolyne