Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 3: Photos & Images - #7 Create a blog post about anything technology related

Instead of technology, I'm going to talk about people.

I had the distinct pleasure to work with an exceptional group of innovative people dedicated to enhancing instruction through the integration of technology. I cannot express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to learn from and work with the people in the Educational Technology and Curriculum departments at CLIU21.

So, what does this have to do with Week 3: #7?

All of these wonderful, interactive technology related apps will not flourish in an educational environment without someone finding a practical way to use them...a build with what is.

But of equal importance is the personal interaction, the collaboration between people, colleagues if you'd like, that takes a good thing and makes it great.

The blending of ideas, the support, the encouragement, the pat on the back...these type of human "touches" make for very powerful technological (learning) possibilities.

So, it's never just the technology. People, colleagues, students, teachers influence the potential. We are all part of a dynamic...subtle can work just as bring this type of educational growth to our libraries and schools.

My hope is that we all find or help create the type of fertile learning evident at CLIU. It is so worth the effort.

Week 3: Photos & Images - #6 Flickr, mashups & 3rd party sites

Two thoughts for this activity -
First, how wonderfully creative these folks are AND where do they find the time?
It intrigues me to imagine how the people who develop these ideas must think and the tremendous passion they must have for their craft. Whoa!

My favorite, although it is a tough choice is the mosaic. How cool to create a mosaic using images from favorite books or events happening at school.

Just look for a right time and place...I believe the students would love it.

Family room remodel

Family room remodel
Originally uploaded by jane_englert
Added another one.
Still struggling with why "Blog this" shows up on some pictures, but not all. The Web 2.0 directions lead me to believe that I can edit this option in other people's pictures. Is this accurate?

I assume I allowed for the "Blog this" as well as the other tabs across the picture because I am the "owner" and it could be that I see all the options because it's part of my flickr account.
How do you set it to limit the edit option for others?

Tunnel heading from Dushore, PA

I've only visited near Dushore once, but feel like I know a bit about it because I have two very dear friends who have ties to this little town. This picture seems in contrast to the quiet community in its wake.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 3: Photos & Images - #5 Explore Flickr

Hi all,
The first time I used Flickr was this past March to upload some photos taken and received for an after school project in support of The Big Read.

As I was reminded again today, I can't remember user names and passwords for beans.

(I finally found the "school user name" I created to open the account in Flickr). Naturally it was "private" since I was using student photos and preferred not to tangle with additional permissions. Hopefully my login details will appear in a dream and I'll have access to the account again...aargh...

My next search was a "geo" search for Ephrata, PA. I found some beautiful pictures of the Ephrata Cloister via a bulleted map, but I'm guessing the photographs were not "public" since the "blog this" option was not listed and I could not change it as described in the directions.

So, I tried "Ephrata" again outside of the "geo" spehere and came up with some photos taken by one of our recent graduates. He is an exceptionally talented young man who has quite a "camera eye". Two of his offerings are listed below. The second link was on our district web page last year to commemorate graduation. I hope you enjoy looking at them to.

PS - One question I do have is to confirm that blogger is not supported by flickr. When I went to blog was not in the drop down and I received a "no-go" response. Just wanted to be sure I was not missing anything.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 1 - # 2 Lifelong Learning

Hi all,

Now that I have a feel for the course...I'd like to backup a bit.
I read and ferreted through the many links offered through the week one reading.
I'm not going to go back and pluck one thing out to write about, although I am thankful for the foundation laid while going through the process of the week one exercises.

I'm good with the recommendations from the 7 1/2 habits. I embrace them. I think we all do who have signed up for this experience.

What I'm really hoping for is a way to take these tools "home" in some way. I guess even if it's just for my own fun...that counts ( a little anyway).
But what would be icing is coming up with some creative, constructive way to use these web 2.0 tools to enhance build connections...
That would be a real heart-felt thrill, finding a way to use them to teach.

I look forward to learning with and from all of you,

Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 2 - #3: Blogging

I've created blogs before, but today was the first time I created an alter-ego avatar. I understand now how easy it would be to spend lots and lots of time tailoring "Ava" to fit my need/mood.

Somewhere in all the reading I did today too, having fun was definitely mentioned.
Maybe all the hesitation felt in getting started was lifted through the process. Yes, I think so.

With that said, I look forward to what week three has in store.

More to come!

One down...

Fine. It's taken some doing, but I'm happy to be this far.
Next, my alter ego...