Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 3: Photos & Images - #7 Create a blog post about anything technology related

Instead of technology, I'm going to talk about people.

I had the distinct pleasure to work with an exceptional group of innovative people dedicated to enhancing instruction through the integration of technology. I cannot express how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to learn from and work with the people in the Educational Technology and Curriculum departments at CLIU21.

So, what does this have to do with Week 3: #7?

All of these wonderful, interactive technology related apps will not flourish in an educational environment without someone finding a practical way to use them...a build with what is.

But of equal importance is the personal interaction, the collaboration between people, colleagues if you'd like, that takes a good thing and makes it great.

The blending of ideas, the support, the encouragement, the pat on the back...these type of human "touches" make for very powerful technological (learning) possibilities.

So, it's never just the technology. People, colleagues, students, teachers influence the potential. We are all part of a dynamic...subtle can work just as bring this type of educational growth to our libraries and schools.

My hope is that we all find or help create the type of fertile learning evident at CLIU. It is so worth the effort.

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