Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 4: RSS & Newsreaders - #9 Locate a few useful School Library related blogs and/or news feeds

Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use. etc...?

Feedster - wouldn't open was cool since it opened with news from Allentown, PA - my old hometown. I wonder how it knew that already? Wait, can it read my mind? and Technorati - to be honest give me twitches. The hardest part is to know when to stop. Searching can easily become overwhelming if you are not focused on a particular purpose. I feel claustrowebphobic. Aargh, no more...let me out.

Ok, here's the sane response. Should I need to find something specific, I'd probably check Technorati. It seems to be well respected. BUT, after viewing the video tutorial folks add their own blogs with related tags? It seems a little self-serving, but who am I to judge.

Better yet, I probably would use the Google Blog search option. It seems like Google has ALL the bases covered doesn't it? Should I worry about that? Will Google be involved in everything I do? They may not be too interested in "little ole' me", but it makes them pretty powerful...

I really like Blog Pulse too. How interesting to be able to track the travels of an interesting post.

Finally, what was exceptional this time...
This is one place I'd like to spend a bit of time browsing. These folks truly are the best of the best. Have to save this for later though...

1 comment:

zweb20tourist said...

As I traveled through this week's lesson, the same warning light flashed as I discovered blog searches to try and new RSS feeds to review--TIME!! There is sooooo much to read and do and I'm feeling overwhelmed trying to weed out the interesting feeds/blogs from the need-to-know-and-use-for-work information. I get so bogged down in trying to glean every tidbit I can that I sometimes don't see the forest for the trees. I, too, would like to explore the edublog awards but then that will give me more to add to my overloaded RSS feeds! ;-)

I thought possibly one solution is to try Google Gears mentioned in #8--once I figure out how to use it, I'll see if that helps me to organize and read offline.