Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome letter to Mr. Fillmore

Hi Mr. Fillmore,

I'm learning about an online productivity tool called Zoho. It's similar to Google docs.

I haven't used either with students...but used Writely (predecessor to Google docs) as a student. We wrote a grant using the product. It was great to be able to post our component parts and collaborate on refining the final product.

BUT we also had access to something called Centra which allowed us to talk to each other. SO we were able to add the verbal (real-time conversation) dimension to our work. I think that could make a huge difference depending on the product.

I wonder if Skype could do the same thing if students were working on an online project outside of school?

Thanks for letting me send you something. I thought you might like to see Zoho too,


PS - I may like Zoho a bit better than Google docs. It seems to have more options on the document page...very intuitive. I'd be interested to hear what you think.

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