Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 9: Podcasts, Video & Downloadable Audio #20. Discover YouTube and a few sites that allow users to upload and share videos

Welcome back!

For this exercise we were encouraged to find and embed a YouTube video into our blog.
I simply searched for "library"...and spent a fair amount of time browsing. There is some real bone-headed stuff out there...argh.

Anyway, I decided on three interesting enough to include (two more to come in additional posts).

The first is called "Interval Library". This video was added to YouTube on 6/27/06 by Kim Huston. Her summary of the video is as follows: "A project made for UWM: shoot something to do with intervals in the library. I chose the moving stacks in the basement. You press a button and they slowly go along a track to open up.
It was sort of a "What happens after hours" type of thing... kinda. If I had to give a reason for the goings on.".

Note: Somehow this first entry for Week 9 ended up after the one I posted earlier in the day for Week 8. I'm not sure why that happened, but does anyone know how to move the posts once they are listed?

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