Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 3: Photos & Images - #5 Explore Flickr

Hi all,
The first time I used Flickr was this past March to upload some photos taken and received for an after school project in support of The Big Read.

As I was reminded again today, I can't remember user names and passwords for beans.

(I finally found the "school user name" I created to open the account in Flickr). Naturally it was "private" since I was using student photos and preferred not to tangle with additional permissions. Hopefully my login details will appear in a dream and I'll have access to the account again...aargh...

My next search was a "geo" search for Ephrata, PA. I found some beautiful pictures of the Ephrata Cloister via a bulleted map, but I'm guessing the photographs were not "public" since the "blog this" option was not listed and I could not change it as described in the directions.

So, I tried "Ephrata" again outside of the "geo" spehere and came up with some photos taken by one of our recent graduates. He is an exceptionally talented young man who has quite a "camera eye". Two of his offerings are listed below. The second link was on our district web page last year to commemorate graduation. I hope you enjoy looking at them to.

PS - One question I do have is to confirm that blogger is not supported by flickr. When I went to blog was not in the drop down and I received a "no-go" response. Just wanted to be sure I was not missing anything.


Mary Schwander said...

Hi, Jane!
I just thought I'd let you know that Flickr does support Blogger. You can set up your blog by going to your account info and then choosing the tab "Extending Flickr". Just go to Blogs - Edit - and "Blogger Blog" should be the first selection.
Once you do this, it is very easy to add your photos to your blog by just clicking the little button that says "Blog this".
Hope that helps!
Mary (My Information Highway)

Jane said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks for the reply. It worked as you suggested. I appreciate your help.
There's a new question posted. Possibly you can direct me to an answer again. Thanks.