Monday, November 17, 2008

CFF - CDWG Professional Development Training - 11/17/08

Good morning!

It's been a while since posting to my virtual space.

I've thought often about how I would "keep this blog alive" and came up with tying in some of the things I'm learning during my Classrooms For the Future Coach Training.

The project for this morning is to domonstrate adding features to a blog post.

These include adding digital audio files, adding clipart, adding digital photographs, including hypertext links and sharing and tracking changes.

What a great opportunity to revisit my own learning. And away we go....

First - adding digital audio files

When I did my first search - for digital audio files, I came up with a link to a file convertor. After checking with my trusted companion, Zamzar is recommended.

Zamzar offers free file conversion for Document formats, Image formats, Music formats, Video formats, and Compressed formats.

The offer a FAQ page that lists the most common questions when using the service.

We just had an interesting conversation about if Zamzar could violate copyright?
I'd love to hear what you think.